
“As we get nearer and nearer to the Savior’s second coming, there has begun a great call in the hearts of many to lengthen our strides. A great division seems to be occurring, and those with ears to hear, who are truly receptive and obedient to the voice of the Holy Spirit, are becoming increasingly hungry for the glorious gifts promised in the scriptures and by modern revelation: specifically, the blessings of being born again, of experiencing the baptism of fire, of receiving our calling and election, and of seeking to know Christ personally, according to His will and timetable. These are the very gifts that will bring us individually and as a Church to the stature of Zion, to be truly His when our Lord returns to reign.

This book is a clarion voice in this call. Steven Anthony Bishop speaks to the fervent seeker, and indeed this book is intended for only such. It is not an easy read, but will be captivating to one who is diligently searching for the Lord’s direction in receiving the profound blessings held out to all. It is written in a warm personable style, and includes beautiful examples of everyday people who have experienced these things for themselves. Their paths were specific to each, and yet carry elements of shared similarity. Brother Bishop also outlines some unique practical techniques, including meditation and visualization, which could greatly assist the seeker along his or her journey, as guided by the Spirit.

I truly appreciated that the author fully supports the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and those ordained to lead us. This is very important to me, as there are currently many dissident voices that can be difficult to discern; yet this book is steady and true in holding out the glorious blessings available within the Lord’s established restored gospel.

I came away from “Putting on Christ” with a deep and profound desire to “Seek Him!” I could have not wanted anything greater from this, or any other book. Thank you, Brother Bishop, for your work and diligence in bringing this important message to us all!"

— Terri Pontius, Compiler and Editor of “Journey to the Veil” by John Pontius

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“Wow!! This is truly powerful! I love it! So many things you say strike at the core of things I deeply cherish and hold as precious but under-appreciated truths. It is very thoughtfully and wonderfully written, which is so important to adequately communicate such profound wisdom. Even popular authors don't write with this conviction, insight, and precise language. I find myself so moved, and so grateful to you for the amazing effort it took to forge these insights into a verbal form worthy to share with the whole world. As an artist, I know the labor required for the eternal "Word" to be made "Flesh", tangible, memorable, fathomable, and accessible in this earthly domain. So to a fellow artist, I say thank you!!"

— Renown Painter & Sculptor, Joseph Brickey

Amazon Reviews

"The beginning to the end of my natural self, I have found a book that speaks what I’ve been longing to find. It is soul stretching and heart breaking. I have found understanding where I am on the path and I have awoken to my awful situation. Now time to gird up my loins and act in patience and diligence seeking the only one who can save my wretched soul.”

Anthony Sullivan

“This book and the topic it visits is perhaps the most important single topic in the world today, speaking from personal experience. I am very grateful for Steven Bishop for the countless hours he put into gathering scriptures, doctrines, and most of all... stories. I am particularly enamored with Chapter 8: Seven Born Again in Our Latter Day. Thanks to Steven, I have actually met the man whose story is Born Again Experience #4. I wish there was much more detail than that contained in the book because I have heard his story and it is absolutely incredible. I hope that this book gets expanded and gets connected with a website that captures more of these stories. Born Again Experience #5 absolutely ripped my heart out. Thank you for this very timely book!”

Ken Krogue

“I haven't even finished the book yet but I just have to share. I have been asking some deeply personal questions in my prayers lately and have been praying for help to know how to proceed. I had purchased the e-book on the release date and kind of forgot about it but the more I asked God for direction, the more this title filled my mind. As I began reading just the INTRODUCTION, there were at least four references to these heartbreaking questions I have been asking. I was astounded. I soon realized that the ebook wasn't going to be enough for me. I needed the hard copy so I could make notes, fold corners, highlight, etc. I ordered one for myself and one for a friend. As I make progress in the book, it is more clear every day why the author chooses to use the explanation "road map". This doctrine-filled, scripture-supported, focus on Christ material is not the kind of book you read through quickly. It takes study, pondering, and digestion of these truths. It takes effort on our part to recognize where we are on this journey. Often, the author shares something that touches my heart so strongly that I nearly cry from having such direct answers. This book is a huge blessing! I am so grateful for it. HIGHLY, highly, highly recommend for anyone on the path to truly knowing the Savior Jesus Christ in a personal way, instead of only knowing about Him."

Melanie S.

"This book will bless your life! Such an important book at a very important time. It is vital to really Know the Savior. Steve's personal knowledge and insights helped me understand what it means to be reborn of the spirit. Thank you for sharing your experiences and other's providing a blue print and example for how we can all be "Putting on Christ" in our lives.”

Kindle Customer

“My study and personal spiritual quest has increased greatly this past year. In the process, I felt myself changing and had some new spiritual experiences. I asked in a FB group I am in if anyone has had similar experiences and the author's daughter said she had and that her dad had also had some extensively and he was writing a book about his Baptism of Fire. I couldn't wait for the book to be finished and have loved reading it. I especially love the compilation of quotes on the topic from scripture and prophets and apostles. The research I was doing extensively on my own on this topic has been done for me in this book. And the author has a beautiful way of crafting his experiences and ideas. I am grateful for this book and have recommended it to many people.”


“Steven Anthony Bishop has produced an exhaustive yet succinct review of the core doctrines of the covenant path – the Doctrine of Christ – which has as its main objective for each person - to ‘put on Christ.’ Putting on Christ is not a casual doctrine, and Putting on Christ is not a casual book about religious observance, ritual, or culture, nor a recreational treatise on feel-good religious thought. Instead, Bishop challenges the reader to become a “seeker” and to deepen themselves beyond ‘superficial gospel’ understandings that arise from spiritual myopia, shallow study, or errant beliefs.
The doctrines related to Putting on Christ and having ‘His image in our countenance’ are often missed or misunderstood. Putting on Christ is sure to test assumptions and deepen understandings about ‘the gospel’ and what it means to receive the First Comforter and having the Power of God fully IN your life each day. It challenges the reader to reset their spiritual vista and see the gospel with new eyes - (re)discovering core doctrines related to rebirth and the spiritual gifts that flow therefrom. Putting on Christ (as a doctrine) for personal application blesses our journey along the covenant path – from being born again to knowing Him! Putting on Christ (the book) challenges us to learn and view the gospel – and maybe for the first time to realize how plain and simple it really is.”

Lee Ostler

Lecture Series Reviews

“This podcast with Steve Bishop is a holy, beautiful place of mind. He is teaching us. I feel so grateful for him guiding me along in all the things that I have been pondering. Putting them in order and helping me see I do receive inspiration and it is real What a wonderful gift. Im so grateful. Thank you Megan for finding him and putting this together for us. God is so happy too for you both sharing your talents! May He bless you.”


“I absolutely love this podcast and can't wait for the next one in the series. It has truly touched my heart and motivated me to act. Thank you brother Bishop for sharing your God-given gifts with all of us. You are an amazing teacher! I loved the music. It was truly soul -stirring.”


“Megan, thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into the podcasts. You always find amazing people who love the Lord and are willing to share the knowledge with us. May our Heavenly Father bless you an hundred fold. This episode inspired me to work diligently to obtain the gift of the Holy Ghost. I'm going to buy this book.”


“Oh, this episode is going to be amazing! I am going through this book now and my life will never be the same again. I just can't put it into words. This book and the words of Brother Bishop are such a gift from God!”
