The Dark Night of the Soul: Finding Light in the Journey

As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), we often strive to live according to the principles of the gospel and seek personal spiritual growth. However, there are moments in our lives when we may experience a profound sense of spiritual darkness and emptiness. These periods, known as the "dark night of the soul," can be challenging and disheartening. In this blog post, we will explore this concept and discuss how, even in our darkest moments, we can find light and hope through our faith in Jesus Christ.

Understanding the Dark Night of the Soul:

The term "dark night of the soul" originated from the writings of St. John of the Cross, a Christian mystic. It refers to a period of intense spiritual struggle, doubt, and emotional desolation. During this time, individuals may feel distant from God, experience a loss of spiritual connection, and question the very essence of their faith. While this may seem contradictory to our LDS beliefs, it is essential to remember that even the most faithful individuals can go through these challenging moments.

Embracing the Struggle:

Experiencing the dark night of the soul does not imply a lack of faith or divine favor. In fact, it can be viewed as an opportunity for growth and transformation. The scriptures teach us that even the Savior Himself experienced moments of deep anguish and feelings of abandonment. In the Garden of Gethsemane, He cried out, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46). These words illustrate that even the Son of God was not exempt from the depths of spiritual darkness.

Finding Light in the Gospel:

  1. Seeking Divine Assistance: When we find ourselves in the dark night of the soul, it is crucial to turn to our Heavenly Father in prayer. The Book of Mormon assures us that He is "a perfect, just God" who will hear and answer our prayers (Alma 9:27). Pouring out our hearts to Him allows us to find solace and guidance, even if we cannot immediately perceive His presence.

  2. Clinging to the Scriptures: The scriptures are a wellspring of light and truth, even during our darkest moments. Studying the words of God, particularly the Book of Mormon, can bring us comfort and provide answers to our questions. As we search the scriptures diligently, we invite the Holy Spirit into our lives and invite Him to heal our wounded souls.

  3. Relying on Christ's Atonement: The Savior's Atonement is not only for our sins but also for our pains, afflictions, and spiritual struggles. Through His infinite love and sacrifice, He descended below all things, comprehending even our deepest sorrows (Doctrine and Covenants 122:8). By trusting in the redemptive power of His Atonement, we can find peace and healing as we journey through the dark night of the soul.

  4. Connecting with Others: During these challenging times, it is crucial to reach out to trusted friends, family members, and Church leaders. Sharing our struggles can provide much-needed support and encouragement. In addition, seeking counsel from those who have experienced similar trials can offer valuable insights and perspectives.

Experiencing the dark night of the soul can be a daunting and disheartening journey. However, as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we can find solace and hope through our faith in Jesus Christ. By seeking divine assistance, clinging to the scriptures, relying on Christ's Atonement, and connecting with others, we can emerge from the darkness with greater spiritual strength and a deepened understanding of our divine nature. Remember, even in the darkest night, the light of the gospel can guide us back to a place of peace and joy.


Embracing the Savior's Example in Our Everyday Lives


Walking with Christ: The Path of Faith, Discipleship, and Personal Transformation